
A. Korbi*a (Dr)

a Obstetrics and gynecology department of the university hospital center of Monastir, Monastir, TUNISIE

* korbi.asma@live.fr

Purpose: To determine the frequency of hypothyroidism in women with recurrent pregnancy loss in the first trimester of pregnancy

Materials and Methods: The study included 163 pregnant women with no previous history of recurrent miscarriage in a gestational age <12 weeks checked by a pregnancy test or an ultrasound (group 1) and age-matched to 170 women with at least one successful pregnancy and without history of miscarriages who were selected as control (Group 2). The levels of thyroid hormones T3, T4 and TSH were estimated in the two groups of women. The comparison of averages was performed using the Student t test.

Results: Hypothyroidism was found in 7 cases in group 1 (4.12%), and in one case in the control group.The differences in serum levels of T3, T4 and TSH were significant in favor of group 1.

Conclusion: The study shows that hypothyroidism has a statistically significant relationship with recurrent miscarriage in the first trimester and suggests that the diagnosis of hypothyroidism should be carried out systematically in the etiological investigation of this pathology.

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